
CORMA shall set up department to cater for the under-listed

Cornerstone Ministerial Alliance


CORNERSTONE is focused on making Scripture freely available on the Web in multiple languages and translations. While committed to excellence in the presentation of Biblical content, it is governed by a set of theological affirmations. This is not intended to restrict use of the site but rather to promote trust in its content.


Church Membership

Membership of the organisation is open to all leaders and individual ministers who are interested in and willing to commit to the objectives and statement of faith of the organisation. Membership is by formal application only

Who We Are

CORMA is an Apostolic mission founded in the UK as an influence of Discipleship to bring leaders and the Body of Christ together to help in eradicating negative image portrayed about church leadership through teaching , seminars conferences Missions and Evangelism and to foster godly relationships between African Independent Churches and Pentecostal Charismatic Churches world wide placing value on the call of God by ordaining Ministers 

Consecrate Bishops, and inaugurate Archbishops for the effectiveness. Also to encourage Ministers and workers who are discouraged and to minister to them and to help them to build. 

We are on a mission driving and role model centric leadership organisation, we empower believers to look deeper into the Bible through dynamic teachings and seminars organised by mature and great leaders